Washington, Michigan

SOS Support

We are committed to your success with our product!


Call: 307.745.4020

Email: sos@whitelightcomputing.com

Fax: 307 – 745 – 8787


Monday through Friday between 9:30 AM and 5:30 PM Eastern Time (closed holidays). Please remember: MICHIGAN time may be different than your local time:

  • Michigan time is 1 hour Later than Central Time
  • Michigan time is 2 hours Later than Mountain Time
  • Michigan time is 3 hours Later than Pacific Time

Calls or emails on Saturday or Sunday should be for urgent emergency situations only, such as a ‘damaged file’ or some other action that makes you unable to make sales.

SOS Holidays (CLOSED)

New Years Day

Easter Sunday

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day


Christmas Eve

Christmas Day


Antiques SOS™ Support Policy

Any software problems, as determined solely by White Light Computing, Inc. (WLC), which are due to faults in the code, will be corrected free of charge on either plan, provided the user supplies appropriate information and reproducible steps to duplicate the issue.

  • White Light Computing, Inc. is only responsible for the software it creates, not any third-party software.
  • All hardware equipment (computers, printers, cash drawers, keyboards, etc.), networking issues (hubs/switches, networking cards, Ethernet cables, etc.) and Internet connections and email providers are your responsibility. Computers have to be in good working order and virus-free. Wireless networking is not recommended or supported.
  • Corrupt/damaged data repair is not covered by the annual support plan or incident fee, with the exception of restoring from a good backup.
  • Backup should be performed at least DAILY using the backup procedures and devices recommended by WLC:
  • White Light Computing, Inc. recommends a USB device to back up the data and application. This could be a memory stick or portable hard drive. See: http://antiques-sos.com/KB/sosbackupdata.pdf for more details.
  • Any OTHER backup system used should be IN ADDITION to a backup as explained above.
  • Restoring data from any OTHER backup system is your responsibility.
  • Using a CD device to back up data is NOT supported by White Light Computing, Inc.
  • We reserve the right to charge for “out of agreement” support where the need for support is triggered by neglect to use the SOS recommended backup system, equipment malfunctions, or willful actions which could have or should have been under the control of the user, as well as failure to properly protect and condition the input power to the computer(s) and components upon which Antiques SOS™ for Windows is installed. This includes data repair, reconstruction, etc.
  • White Light Computing, Inc. highly recommends you purchase and install an uninterruptable power supply (UPS) for all computer equipment including networks and servers to protect your computers, data and peripherals. We reserve the right to charge for “out of agreement” support where the need for it is triggered by unprotected power supply systems.
  • We strongly suggest and encourage you to establish a working relationship with a competent local computer technician/support professional that can setup your equipment and provide prompt, high quality service for your equipment, the Windows operating system, anti-virus, networking, and other Information Technology (IT) issues when required.

What does being on the Annual Support Plan get me?

  • Support without incident fees for Antiques SOS:
    Email: sos@whitelightcomputing.com
    Phone: 307.745.4020
    Fax: 307.745.8787
  • Remote desktop connection
    Allows us the ability to see and interact with your Antiques SOS
    Makes solving issues much easier for you and our support staff
    Great for demonstrating issues or enhancement idea
    Requires an Internet connection at your store
  • Updates for any new features and fixes included in Antiques SOS during the year
  • SOS Email Feature to your customers and dealers messages from Antiques SOS, as well as daily or recent sales to dealers
  • Weekly Backup (requires Internet connection at the mall, deductible fee for restoration of backup)-more info to come!
  • Discounted User Manual- If you need a replacement user manual, it is only $40 if on support and $50 if not on support.

How much does the support plan cost?

Annual Plan (Priority Service) 2025 Prices

One year agreement required

Updates Included


$134 per year

Lite-Single Computer

$210 peryear

Lite-Multiple Computer

$240 per year

Premium-Single Computer

$270 per year

Premium-Multiple Computer

$300 per year


Fees per Incident Plan

No agreement required
No weekend assistance guaranteed
Updates NOT included

This option is for those stores who opt to not participate in the Annual Support Plan. We have an obligation to assist those participating in the Annual Support Plan before assisting those who are not currently participating. Applies to all Windows versions—Basic, Lite, Premium.Payable by credit card at time of service – no billing.

Regular Business Hours

$125.00 per incident

Off Hours Weekdays

$150.00 per incident

Emergency Incident on Weekends

$190.00 per incident

How do I get on the Support Plan?

SOS support is included within the first year of your date of purchase. When that year is coming to a close, we mail a support invoice prorated for the remainder of the calendar year.

At the end of November each year, we generate invoices for the coming calendar year. At that time, you can send in your payment and we’ll get you all set for the next year.

If you are not currently on the Annual Support plan and would like to join, please call 307.745.4020.

Replacement Install CD, Update CD, Networking CD, User Manual (hard copy)

We’d be glad to replace any SOS materials:Manual

  • Install CD: $15 for standard shipping (must be on support)
  • Update CD: $15 for standard shipping (must be on support)
  • Networking CD: $15 for standard shipping (must be on support)
  • User Manual (hard copy): $50 (includes shipping), $10 discount for stores on support =$40

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